Beautiful Maryville Porcelain Veneers

If you're unhappy with cosmetic imperfections in your smile, you know how much of an impact it can have on your daily life and confidence. Our team at Maryville Dental Center is here to help. The teeth veneers we provide can transform your smile, giving you the confidence to share it with the world. Whether we're enhancing a single tooth or providing a full-smile makeover, our customizable porcelain veneers can give you the beautiful smile you've always wanted in just a few visits.

We proudly serve Maryville and the surrounding areas with cosmetic dental services that give patients smiles they want to show off. We can't wait to meet you and discuss how we can enhance your smile. Contact us today to schedule your consultation for Maryville porcelain veneers and begin your journey toward a brighter, more confident smile.


What Are Veneers?

Dental veneers are thin, durable shells custom-made to fit over your natural teeth, offering a versatile solution for concealing imperfections like stains, chips, cracks, and gaps. By masking the front surface of your teeth, veneers can transform your smile, enhancing its symmetry, brilliance, and overall aesthetic appeal. One of the main advantages of veneers is their ability to provide permanent results quickly, often in just a few visits to our dentist.

Customizing Your Teeth Veneers

We understand that every smile is unique. That's why we offer personalized porcelain veneer placement options tailored to your specific needs. Our goal is to help you get the smile you want, whatever your requirements may be. Our flexible placement options include:

  • Single Tooth Placement: If a particular tooth detracts from your otherwise beautiful smile, our single veneer placements are a great solution. We can target individual imperfections in different places throughout your smile without having to place veneers on every tooth. Our dentist matches tooth shades to help single-tooth veneer placements fit in seamlessly with your surrounding teeth.
  • Multiple Veneer Placements: Our multiple veneer placements transform your entire visible smile, creating a harmonious and attractive look in just a few simple dental appointments. We work closely with you to help you select a shade and shape for your veneers that fit your vision for your smile.

Our Porcelain Veneer Process

While we personalize each plan, our general veneer process follows the same basic steps. From the moment you come through our doors to the final placement of your custom veneers, our focus is on promoting your comfort and satisfaction. We'll always take the time needed to answer your questions and want you to feel confident about your teeth veneer procedure. Some of the steps we'll take to provide you with a beautiful new smile include:

  • Initial Consultation: Your smile transformation begins with a comprehensive oral exam. After assessing your oral health, we'll discuss whether teeth veneers are the right choice.
  • Preparation & Temporary Placement: Once you've decided on veneers, we'll prepare your teeth for veneer placement. This may involve gently reshaping tooth enamel to make space for the veneers. After preparing your teeth, we'll take impressions of your bite, which our dental lab partner uses to create your customized veneers.
  • Permanent Veneer Placement: At your final appointment, our dentists securely bond your permanent veneers to your teeth, adjusting them as needed for an optimal fit. Once complete, you'll have durable, smile-enhancing porcelain veneers that make an instant impact and last for years to come.

Are Veneers a Good Option for Me?

Our team is always here to talk to you about making the right choice for your particular cosmetic needs. Ultimately, we want to provide the cosmetic treatment that helps you achieve your desired aesthetic as efficiently and effectively as possible, and that's why we always talk through the options available. Veneers are an excellent treatment option for various issues in your smile, and we're excited to talk to you about how they can enhance your aesthetic. Our teeth veneers are an excellent option for addressing cosmetic issues like:

  • Discolorations
  • Minor chips, cracks, or wear
  • Small or worn-down teeth
  • Gaps between teeth
  • Misshapen or uneven teeth
  • Minor bite misalignments

How Do I Care for My Porcelain Veneers?

Caring for your dental veneers is essential to helping them last as long as possible. Continue to brush and floss your teeth like normal, always using a soft-bristled brush to avoid scratching your veneers. Additionally, avoid chewing hard objects such as ice or hard candy, which can damage veneers.

Regular dental checkups are also vital to maintain your veneers. They'll also help us catch any budding issues like early signs of wear on your veneers. With proper care, your teeth veneers will continue to enhance your beautiful smile for a long time, often well over a decade.

Your Source for Porcelain Veneers in Maryville

At Maryville Dental Center, we're passionate about helping you achieve your cosmetic goals for your smile. Our experienced dentists will guide you through each step of the dental veneer process, helping to ensure you feel informed and confident throughout the process. We value the opportunity to give patients a smile they can be proud of, and we look forward to meeting you and learning how we can help you. Contact us today to schedule your appointment for lifelike teeth veneers in Maryville!

