Emergency Dentists in Maryville

When things go wrong and you have an emergency situation, you want to know exactly who to turn to for help. At Maryville Dental Center, we offer emergency dental care to alleviate pain and renew your smile. You can trust that we will provide the quality emergency dental care and respect you deserve, regardless of the reason for your visit. When you have an urgent dental care needs, you can rely on us. Contact or visit us today to schedule an appointment.


What Is Emergency Dentistry?

Emergency dentistry covers a range of services that are needed to get you out of pain and back to your normal life. These appointments usually occur outside of your normal biannual dentist visits, and the focus is on a specific issue. Emergency dental care ranges from emergency root canal therapy and restoring a chipped tooth to addressing a loose or knocked out (avulsed) tooth.

When you visit us for an emergency, we work quickly to get you back to our dentist. Our goal is to relieve your pain as fast as possible. We'll begin with an examination of the affected area and then recommend treatments. You'll be given ample information during every step of the process so you always know what we're doing and why.

What Is a Dental Emergency?

When you have extreme pain in your teeth, gums, or jaws, then you know that you need prompt dental care. However, there can be times when you aren't sure if you require urgent dental treatment. Some of the most common signs you should receive emergency dentistry include the following.

  • Cut on the gum or cheek
  • Abscess on the gum
  • Loose or knocked-out tooth
  • Fractured or broken tooth
  • Swollen, painful, or bleeding gums
  • Severe pain in the teeth or jaws
  • Discolored or gray tooth
  • Bad taste that does not go away

If you have questions about a symptom you're experiencing, then you can call our friendly team, and we will discuss your concerns and provide insight and advice for your next steps.

Alleviating Anxiety

We understand that dental anxiety and fear affect many people, regardless of age. That is why we take steps to alleviate anxiety in every aspect of your visit. When you visit our dental practice in Maryville, you discover a team that considers your peace of mind to create a positive visit even when you have an urgent need. Your emotional well-being is important to us, which is why we do everything we can to maximize your comfort. Emergencies happen without warning, which is why we are open on weeknights as well as Saturdays to provide the quality care you need when you need it. Our compassionate team also doesn't want you to feel anxious about the cost of an emergency dental visit. That is why we work with most of the insurance companies available in our area.

Urgent Dental Care FAQs

When you find yourself in an emergency situation, it's natural to have many questions. Our team encourages you to share your questions and concerns. We are happy to provide answers and information so you can rest assured we will create a treatment plan that restores and protects your oral health. Here are some of the most common questions we receive about emergency dental care:

Should I come to you or go to the hospital?

When you have a dental emergency, you can call our office, and we'll assess your situation over the phone. You can always trust us to do everything we can to get you into our office quickly and out of pain. If your emergency happens after hours, don't hesitate to visit your local hospital if needed.

If your tooth has been knocked out, then you can gently pick up the tooth by the crown and place it in a glass of milk after you have gently rinsed it off with clean water. It's important to avoid touching the root of the tooth. If possible, you can also gently place the tooth back into the socket and hold it there while on the way to our office. Time is of the essence, and it's vital that you get to our dentist within 30 minutes to an hour.

If you have a broken or lost dental restoration, then you can call our office, and we will schedule an appointment to create a new custom restoration or reattach the old one if possible.

Taking Care of Your Urgent Dental Care Needs

When you know who to reach out to in an emergency, you feel more prepared. At Maryville Dental Center, we offer emergency dental care for you and your loved ones. We combine years of experience with a gentle chairside manner to provide the quality dental care you deserve. If you're having a dental emergency or if you're unsure whether your symptoms qualify as an emergency, we can help you navigate the situation. Contact us today to schedule your appointment and get your urgent dental care needs taken care of.

