Image of a dentist holding a model of dentures.


Beautiful Dentures in Maryville

Replacing an entire arch of teeth requires experience and precision. At Maryville Dental Center, our approach to delivering removable and permanent dentures involves a high degree of customization and strategic treatment planning.

We strive to deliver efficient and effective treatments and work hard to restore your ability to chew and speak as swiftly as possible. Our team is proud to offer services that can rebuild your smile, and we look forward to meeting you and helping you regain a beautiful set of teeth. Contact us today to schedule your appointment for dentures in Maryville!


What Are Dentures?

Dentures are custom-made dental prosthetics designed to restore oral health and function and enhance the cosmetic appeal of your oral structure. Our complete and partial denture prosthetics typically consist of artificial teeth crafted from durable materials like porcelain and dental ceramics, which offer a beautiful luster and brilliance. These prosthetic teeth are supported by a base usually made of pink acrylic, mimicking the appearance of healthy gums. Whether you're missing a few teeth or an entire arch, our skilled dentists offer a range of denture options to suit your specific requirements.

Our team is proud to offer the following options for dentures:

  • Complete Dentures: Often called traditional dentures, these dentures are ideal for patients missing all of their natural teeth in either the upper or lower arch or both. Traditional dentures are removable.
  • Partial Dentures: For patients with some remaining natural teeth, partial dentures offer an effective solution for filling in gaps in your smile. These dentures can use surrounding teeth for support or be attached to dental implant posts.
  • Implant-Supported Dentures: Also known as fixed or permanent dentures, implant-supported dentures are seated on dental implant posts, providing a highly stable and long-lasting solution for replacing entire arch teeth.

Our Denture Treatment Process

We know each patient's dental needs are unique. That's why we take a personalized approach to dentures, always focused on achieving your goals and improving your oral health. Our comprehensive denture process typically involves:

  • Initial Consultation: During your first visit, our dentist will thoroughly examine your oral health and discuss your treatment goals. Together, we'll develop a customized treatment plan tailored to your needs.
  • Pretreatment Needs: Whether you need teeth extracted or your smile needs some preparation to create a healthy site for permanent dentures, we'll help coordinate your pretreatment needs.
  • Denture Preparation: After you've healed from any pretreatments, we'll take detailed impressions of your mouth to create your custom denture.
  • Final Denture Placement: Once your denture is made, you'll come in for a final fitting. At this appointment, we'll work to ensure that your denture fits comfortably and securely.
  • Follow-Up Care: Our work isn't done after placing your final denture. We'll always be your resource to make sure your denture is comfortable and functional. If you ever start having problems with the fit of your denture, we're just a phone call away.

Maintaining Your New Dentures

It's essential to perform regular maintenance on your denture, but specific care instructions vary depending on the type of denture you're getting. You'll be able to care for permanent in much the same way you do with your natural teeth. Our dentist will walk you through a daily oral hygiene routine, closely following steps you'd take to keep natural teeth healthy.

If you receive traditional dentures, you'll need to remove and clean them daily with a special brush and soak them in a denture-cleaning liquid to sanitize them. Our dentist will give you specific instructions for keeping your denture clean and functioning optimally for as long as possible.

Complete & Partial Denture FAQs

Getting dentures is a big decision. We're here to help you feel confident and comfortable with your choices. Our team is always here to address your concerns, and we're passionate about making you feel like you're never in the dark about your care. The answers to some commonly asked questions about complete, partial, and implant-supported dentures include:

How often do I need to clean my dentures?

We recommend cleaning your dentures daily. This helps remove food particles and debris, prevents staining, and maintains overall oral hygiene.

The spaces between denture teeth are generally very tight, meaning flossing between them often isn't feasible. However, there may be spaces where food particles can get trapped. We recommend options like water picks for cleaning hard-to-reach areas. Our dentist will provide you with specific instructions about flossing your dentures.

While it's possible to sleep with dentures, we recommend removing them at night to give your gums and jawbones a chance to rest and perform the necessary steps to clean your prosthetic.

Custom Full & Partial Dentures in Maryville

At Maryville Dental Center, we're dedicated to helping you achieve a beautiful, functional smile with our complete and partial denture offerings. We value the opportunity to help patients regain a smile they're proud of, and we look forward to meeting you and learning how we can assist you on your journey to excellent oral health. Contact us today to schedule your consultation for traditional and permanent dentures in Maryville and take the first step toward a brighter, more confident smile!

